Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hot potato or cold stone?

I was dancing with this woman for the first time. She was humming with this sound of excitement in my right ear, which I am sure you all know what it sounds like, shortly into the song. Her embrace was reasonably giving. The whole dance experience was relatively pleasant throughout the song, or so I thought...

Soon as the music stopped, she pushed away from my embrace, like I was a hot potato...

And it happened three times (one tanda)!



  1. Did they stalk / sidle / saunter / hobble / run away?
    Did they glare / stare / god forbid tear?
    Did they smile / grin / moue / curl a lip (or two)?
    Did they go straight to the table / door / washroom?

    We have the subject. Missing the predicate.

    Curious cat perishing here...

  2. Dear ChiseledChimp,

    While I enjoyed your comment as it was indeed creative (and made me smile!), I believe I can help make it more clear:

    The fact is, it is never pleasant to be pushed away, mid-embrace. It hurts, emotionally. It goes far beyond the dance.

    TP: Eh, you just need to get back down here to BsAs - Cherie and (Paula?) and I will give you good embraces. :-)

  3. I guess she just wasn't comfortable being in a close embrace with a stranger when the music wasn't playing.

    The fact that she did it 3 times shows that it's normal for her.

  4. Tina,

    You, Cherie and Paula? Wow, good enough reason to get back down to BsAs right now

    And yes, it hurt a bit emotionally, especially after she seemed to have a good time dancing with me.

    Oh well... there is always BsAs.

  5. David,

    No that I am complaining again, but it seems to me that some women just want to take but not give in tango.

    I have experienced similar situation in various degrees before. I wrote about it this time because the timing was really bad. It felt like the second the music stop, she turned into a ice cold stone.
