Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lovely milonga

I like and respect this couple more and more. Took their workshop at Baltimore Tango Element. Watched their performances at Moscow Milonguero Nights. Impressed by their professionalism and brilliance.

Hope you enjoy the above milonga as much as I did.


  1. I'm only going to comment because we are friends and I know you'll take this in the right way. The video is up there for all and sundry to see and opine about, right? And of course everyone has an opinion, especially ME--and you too, of course.

    Anyway, I don't like his posture which is used by so many nowadays with their butts sticking out. He dances like he's not having any fun at all, and is very robotic. Milonga should be joyous and fun, not a chore. He has rhythm and some little interesting things, but is overall boring--to me, ok?

    She is marvelous though!

  2. Cherie,

    This blog always welcomes your comments. :-) And I know your opinion about the butt sticking out.

    Canaro's milonga Criolla itself is a smooth milonga; the music doesn't have a lot of fire like many other milongas. It has a lot of interesting phrases and notes (sorry, I don't know anything about music. So I am not sure if I put it right.). I think they have done a very good job interpreting the music. That's one of the reasons that I posted this performance rather than their other ones, such as " Que Tiempo Aquel". I like the pause and the little play moments. After all, she can't be marvelous all by herself. :-)))))))

    And I always LOVE the way you and Ruben dancing milonga. Que maravilloso!!!

  3. Well, after being spoiled by Pedro Sanchez, AND by watching Cherie and Ruben, I'm just so hard to please with milonga ;-) hehehe

    I must confess that I've personally never really identified with this couple musically, but that's just me, and it's what's so great about music. People interpret it in different ways. :-)
    I feel like he misses the "cadencia" that I love so much in others dancers, but I do enjoy certain things about her technique. :-) And her shoes.

    AND I loooove Milonga Criolla, it's one of my favorites to listen to. :-)

  4. I'm with Cherie and Tina on this one.
    Enough said.

  5. Three beautiful women share the same opinion...what is the odds? :)))))))))))))))))))))

    Anyway, I am learning some from these two amazing dancers. :-P
