Monday, August 31, 2009

Non-Argentine Tango Salon Champ.

The tango blog topic of the week is probably a Japanese couple won the Tango Salon category. I didn't follow this year's competition on youtube. I was busy dancing my heart out. Nonetheless it was quite a news that for the first time in the history, a non-Argentine couple won the Salon category.

And it is interesting to know that Yamao scored top position at Rondas Clasifications, and second place at Semifinales. There wasn't a surprise that they won the final, because they were the only couple in top 5 position in both rounds. They had been consistent with their performance.

I also noted that a Russian couple scored the second at Rondas Clasifications and seven at Semi. Out of the top 15 at Semi there were six international couples, four representing Japan, one Russia and another Chile. 40% non Argentine...Bravo to that!!!

A few months ago, I posted a few clips of Asian tanguero(a)s dancing on my private blog. I commented that traditional Salon Tango was very popular in Asia; judged from the teachers whom were invited to their festivals and workshops, the posture and walk and of course the embrace that dancers showed. I've danced with quite a few good to great Asian tangueras. I was impressed by their clean footwork, good energy and nice embrace. Most of them had spent months in BsAs, learning and dancing. Although in Asia, Tango has the shortest history, Yamao's winning of Salon proved that whoever said only Argentine knew how to dance tango was shortsighted.

Hard work, dedication and smartness can make up the shortcoming of language and culture difference. And I am not surprised that the Russian will win one in the future.


  1. Tango in Japan actually has a long and strong tradition with many orchestras traveling there since the golden age. Don't know about the other Asian countries.

  2. Simba,

    Good to know. :-) Shorter than Europe I think. Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong have no more than ten twelve years. Mainland China is just in its infancy.

  3. True, but not lacking much :-) Inspired a new blog post...

  4. The blog about a Japanese couple winning a dance competition. The blog features on tango dance and the various news associated with it.
