Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I am feeling soreness in my arms, legs and thighs; having a stiff back and swelling ankle, all as the result from half an hour non stop breakfall and roll like this:

(Being the one getting thrown)

and this:

from last night.

I am in my best mood despite the agony. My conditioning isn't as bad as I thought. And I had a good night dancing at the milonga that I used to dislike.

The highlight of the night was two tandas with an acquaintance. I hadn't danced with her since last summer at the seaport. Last Thursday we danced again, and had an amazing tanda of Pugliese. So far, She is the only woman who embraces like the way Andrea Misse did.

The fact that she interpreted the music together with me made the dance much more intriguing. It was really like a conversation between the two, like sing language but with our feet and our connected chests and faces. Paused, I breathed deep into my chest and felt her chest expanding together with mine. Consumed with the music, we exhaled together and danced on again.

We had a bump in the knees, two stepping on the toes. And the boleo that i wanted to lead in the end was lame... It was not perfect. But it only reminded me that I was still dancing on earth, not in heaven.

At the end of the night before I left, I walked up to her and thanked her sincerely for two wonderful tandas. I was grateful to her for her understanding of the embrace and the music and her shared passion for tango.


  1. Um, that second video was pretty cool to watch. :-)

    Glad you found a good dance... !

  2. Tina,

    It's cool to watch, but not so cool to do it again and again for twenty minutes.

    But two good tandas eased most of the pain.

    Hope you have many good ones in BsAs...
