Monday, January 21, 2008

Slowing Down.

I had a milongaless weekend. And I only went out one night in the week. The weather hasn't been nice enough: snow, freezing cold, rain, and strong wind. The thought of going out in the weather and having a bad or even a so-so night deterred me further. I still remembered driving on the icy side streets of Manhattan to attend milongas last year. Now the desire of dancing with all those "hot" women is waning. Tango, for me, is no longer to dance till my feet hurt.

My enthusiasm is still here and growing strong. Besides working on the technique in my living room, I am undertaking the work of putting lyrics to my 4000 song Itune library and building my own tanda list. It is to help me with my musicality, which has always been raved by most of the followers. Now only if I understood the lyrics, had I have more control over how to express music. At the mean time, I am expanding my Spanish vocabulary. Maybe by November, my third trip to BsAs, I can finally converse in Spanish.

Two of the bloggers have taken down their blogs. I think that I can relate to it. I wiped out my posts from March to October 2007 without backup. At that time, I felt that I needed to move on and there was no need to look back. Two weeks later, I found myself posting again, only that it was changed to a journal to my first trip to BsAs. Amidst my post BsAs blue, I wanted to close up shop again. A few days later, I couldn't resist but voice my opinion again... I do hope one of these days they will find the desire to write again and share their voices.

Part of the reason I am so into tango is because it is a life long experience, like martial arts. There is always another level you can reach to. In the end, it is not so much about the physical aspect of the game but the mental one. One doesn't stop learning if one chooses not to.

It is rewarding to have a blissful tanda once a while. And it makes the whole experience more cherishable.


  1. Hi TP,

    I can relate. I go back and forth on the dancing too. But it sounds like you are going deeper into the whole realm of tango, with the trips to BA (and now another one in November, too!) and the music study. It sounds like you are becoming more well-rounded in your approach to tango.

    You may like to read a Gavito quote on Malevito's blog:

    Just don't give up tango entirely. I'm still expecting at least one tanda with you someday! ;-)

  2. Hola, TB,

    I can relate to Gavito's quote. I am trying to do just that. And I don't think I will give up tango at all, not till I have a few tandas with you at least. :)


  3. Can't you get a flight that stops in SF on your way to BA?


  4. TB,

    I think AA is working on a route like that on my request.

