Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Interview with Geraldine y Ezequiel

viewable from www.tangonoticias.com, excerpts:
Right now it's the fashion to dress casually all the time and make fun of the people who dress up and wear suits. When you dance this style, the people believe that they automatically become artists.... were only interested in "being artists" and dancing tango nuevo.... the main group, were making fun of these people that wanted to learn Argentine tango.

Tango was designed by normal people, the regular crowd.

The only thing we have in Argentina is our spirit. Everything else is from outside-imported. For normal people, relationships are important.

People say tango is sad but it just gives you in poetry the real situation. Nobody is purely happy. Tango takes your sadness out.

These are the reasons that tango outside BsAs is different. Few people truly understand the essence of tango. Most only see it as a dance, a movement and glorify it.

While you sit in a milonga, observe. See how people dance. Do they dance for themselves? For the people who are watching? or for each other. It is rare to see a couple dancing for each other.


  1. I will be sure to observe tonight. I do think that people dance for each other, or that is their intent. Maybe it is easier for some than for others? That's why we love finding our tango angels. Thank you for those quotes.

  2. TB,

    Hope you have a great night out. I have seen a lot of dancing for themselves and for the showoff, not that many are into the music and connection.

    I am sure I will hear about it from you tomorrow. :)


  3. I think most people dance for the audience but I guess it depends where you are, right?
    The level of dancing to each other and dancing to themselves can be measured very closely by the rate of floorcraft and flashy moves. The more you have of one the less you have of other one.
