Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 4. Canning

That was it. Salon Canning is now officially on my shit list. I went there early in order to have a seat. I didn't have too much expectation anyway based on my last experience at Canning. So I sat there, chatted with a girl whom I got to know last night at El Beso.

Didn't really see anyone that I would like to dance with. Gringas who don't know how to cabeceo are probably newbies. Those who dance for a while want to dance with portenos. I saw a few women walking out in the middle of the tandas. And quite frankly, there were not that many good portenos around at Canning.

Saw Osvaldo Zotto y Lorena Emocida on the floor dancing one tanda. He was bumped four times in one song. He is such a classy guy. He offered a friendly gesture to the guy whenever there was an accident. Some big dude, who looked like a biginner, blocked his path at the beginning of the song. He was a bit upset, but he waited patiently till the foreigner moved away before he started to dance.

I didn't take my eyes off them until they reached the other end of the floor, out of my sight. They are such a graceful couple. They moved as if floating on the floor and flowing around quietly and smoothly. By watching them I could find myself breathing like in the state of meditation.

The only dance that I enjoyed was with some one from New York, whom just danced five months. Her embrace was so comfortable, even better than some portenas'. She followed extremely well. I felt ease to navigate around the crowed floor with her. I would have danced a second tanda with her if I didn't have to converse with a student of Javier.

The woman saw me greeting with Marite and approached me at the end of the night. She started the conversation. She is also studying under Javier and Bichi. She wanted to have a dance.

Hugo Diaz was playing. I told her that I don't dance this music. She said: "Why? It is nice music. I dance everything."
"I am particular with music. I have music that I don't dance to." I told her, "Let's dance when the music is right."

Finally, a tanda of Di Sarli started. We walked on the floor. It was past four in the morning and the floor opened up. The moment I embraced her, I didn't feel it. She has the same problem with a lot of gringas: the torso feel like a block. It felt stiff and cold. Even though she claimed to be a former ballet dancers, I have had much better embrace than that. I mean the five month beginner embraced me better than her. I can't even walk long with worries that she would pull me off balance. There was a reason why she had been sitting in front of me the whole night and I didn't cabaceo her.

We talked about a bit of styles and learning experience with Javier. It seemed that we had some differences. She started from Nuevo and fantasia, I have been always a traditional guy. Well, I was once again missing the girl with whom I danced at Sunderland. Where has she been dancing?

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