Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 6. El Beso

Went to El Beso early and hoped to get to sit at a table. Nope, all taken. So I ended up hanging around by the bar area. Had a nice first tanda with a portena in a green dress, then I sat around for an hour and half without finding one to dance.

It is harder for a guy who is a relatively new face in a milonga to get good dances. Experience dancers don't look at you unless they have seen you dancing on the floor. The ones who easily accept your cabaceo are normally foreigners or not-so-good dancers.

Right now I don't mind not getting dances any more. I would rather have one or two great tanda a night then dancing 10 tandas. It is about the quality not the quantity. Like in everywhere else, I am building my dancer card one at a time. People will remember your face if you are good dancer. I am not worried about that. I spent more time watching the floor then being on the floor. It is a good learning experience to see different leads, follows and expressions of the music.

Talking about foreigners, I think a lot of them(me included) are better dancers. With different background and financial means, we are getting better in shorter amount of time. I have danced with some older portenas, only a few have the good overall feel.

Later, I danced with an middle age Italian woman from Bologna. She dances beautifully: good embrace, calm and smooth movement. Another portena of the same age: lean back posture, lift her feet in the dance which gave me a uncomfortable feeling, her following was just decent.

A good song came up, I wholebody was jazzing up. I looked around and caught the eyes of the first portena. Off we went to have a second tanda. The connection was better this time. The floor opened up, we danced more freely. I could hear her breathing.

I left around 2 am, another early night home. I had a decent time tonight. Two and half good tandas, not bad!

Tomorrow, Nino Bien. Julio y Carina are teaching before the milonga. So i will be there early. Maybe take some video to share. I am getting lazy with taking video and picture this time. Maybe I am less touristy. :)

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