Friday, November 30, 2007

Nino Bien- A week from the first night, 11.29

One week has passed. I came back to where I started my first milonga-Nino Bien. Had a wonderful and light hearted lesson with Javier and Andrea, I went straight to El Beso. It is small place but jam packed.

I danced a tanda with a girl whom I danced the other night at P&B and E (whom I thought was getting worse following.). After that I took off and called novia de maestro and met up at Nino Bien.

Got there early, saw the fellow New Yorkers again. Had a decent table (don't bother to call for reservation. Unless you are a regular, reservation doesn't mean squat) and ordered some vino and chatted a little. She doesn't go out much to the milongas. Even though she's been here close to a year, she found my milonga tales were very interesting.

After danced with her, I started to cabeceo around. One regular (yes, one week here I am getting my regular cabeceo.)responded and we had very nice half tanda when the floor was clear.

Next one went to the beautiful Italian girl whom I danced with Tuesday night. NDM said that she closed her eyes and smiling during the whole tanda of Calo. I felt great in the perfect embrace with her. My energy was high. The floor was packed then. Had her in my embrace, breathing and feeling the chest expanding together was blissful.

Later I had a second tanda, a D'Arienzo with her. She is good at the music as well, recognized different orchestra. I guess she is as much into tango as I did(can tell through the conversation the way that we talked about music).

During our tanda, a filming crew was here. The camera was following us for a long minute or two. I was slightly distracted and led her too close to the front table (I was using every single available square foot). Her heel caught the woman whom was sitting there next to the floor in the feet. (One advice, ladies, if you don't intend to get a lot dances, for any reason, including your ability to dance. Don't sit at the front row close to the floor. Front row is for dancers whom actively cabeceo for dance, not spectators to sit and watch.)

That happened at the last song of the tanda, we danced just about 15 feet during the whole song. I apologized to her. It was my first accident in one week. I felt embarrassed, more so because the camera was there to catch the accident.

Later towards the end of the milonga, I looked over at her. We both wanted to dance the third one, but were inhibited because of the codigo. She said she would be at canning Friday night. So I would probably see her again. And maybe get her e-mail address this time

Overall, the energy of the dance was not as good as last week. But I was having a fantastic time. Danced with a Swedish, a fellow NY tango dj/organizer, a Brit, a few others and it was close to 3:30am in the morning. My last one went to this chica from Hong Kong, who doesn't look like a Chinese at all. I had no idea. What an coincident!

It is interesting how tango brings people together from different places in the world.

Later, she invited me to share a cab with her. We exchanged e-mails and promised to meet again before I leave for NY.

It was great night all in all. Great class with great milonga. I was getting comfortable to dance to what I learned in the class. Especially the embrace part, it works.

I got home feeling so tired, didn't even have the energy to write anything. Not until now, 1:00pm in the afternoon that I have recovered from the unforgettable night of dancing at Nino Bien. My favourite along with Porteno y Bailarin.


  1. TP,

    Your posts are wonderful. I can't believe you've been there for only a week! It seems like you have been there forever.

    Thank you for taking the time to write out all of your experiences with such honesty and feeling. I feel like I'm there too.

  2. TB,

    It is my pleasure to share the wonderful experience with my fellow tangueras. Because I feel so much, the joy is so abundant that it is overspilled. I have to write it out.

    I feel at home at the milongas. I even joked with the waiter at P&B in my broken Spanish.
